Tools, templates and resources

for strengthening human resource management policies, programs, and practices

CACE is available to help tailor any of these tools and resources to meet the unique needs of your school and district.  Contact us anytime for more information.

Educator Preparation

New Teacher Mentoring Materials

Module 1

Introduction and Case for Mentoring

Module 2

Coaching and Mentoring Instructional Frameworks

Module 3


Module 4

Practice Techniques

Module Handouts

Supporting documents and handhouts for all modules. 

Download Documents


HR Planning Tool

Automated tool and guidance document for engaging key stakeholders in the development and communication of a district-wide human resource plan

Job Description for Classroom Teacher

Sample job descriptions for classroom teacher position that are aligned with State PEPG Professional Practice Standards and can be tailored to district needs and priorities

Job Description for Principal

Sample job descriptions for principal position that are aligned with State PEPG Professional Practice Standards and can be tailored to district needs and priorities

Employment Advertisements for Classroom Teachers

Sample employment advertisements for classroom teacher position that that can be tailored to district needs and priorities

Employment Advertisements for Principals

Sample employment advertisements for principal position that that can be tailored to district needs and priorities

Interview Protocol for Classroom Teachers

Sample interview protocol and questions for classroom teacher position that align with State PEPG Professional Practice Standards and can be tailored to district needs and priorities

Interview Protocol for Principals

Sample interview protocol and questions for principal position that align with State PEPG Professional Practice Standards and can be tailored to district needs and priorities

Entry Interview Protocol and Survey

Sample interview protocol and survey questions to help school districts and administrators gain information to better understand the factors that influence a staff member’s decision to accept the position he/she has been offered. Understanding these factors can direct schools or school districts to identify policies, supports, and resources that can support successful recruitment and retention efforts.

Exit Interview Protocol and Survey

Sample interview protocol and survey questions to help school districts and administrators gain information to better understand why staff choose to leave their positions. Understanding the factors that influence an educator’s decision to leave an organization can direct districts to identify policies, supports, and resources that can support successful retention efforts.

Evaluation and Professional Growth

Teacher Goal Setting Template

Template designed for use by individual practitioners as they self-reflect and set measurable professional growth goals for use as a measure of effectiveness

Video Peer-Review Protocol

Protocol for use by practitioners as they provide feedback to one another using videos of classroom practice for the purpose of reflecting upon and improving instructional practice

Student Work Analysis Protocol

Protocol for use by practitioners as they collaboratively examine student work for the purpose of reflecting upon and improving instructional practice

Peer Observation Protocol

Provides guidance to classroom teachers as they engage in formative observation and improvement-focused feedback conversations with colleagues

Leader Goal-Setting Template

Template designed for use by individual practitioners as they self-reflect and set measurable professional growth goals for use as a measure of effectiveness

SLO Assessment Checklist

An annotated, editable checklist addressing each component of a quality assessment for practitioners to use when developing/approving assessments for use as the basis of an SLO measuring student growth

SLO Template

An annotated, editable template that provides a model for consistent documentation of information related to each SLO, including the student needs assessment, as well as the content standards, growth targets, progress monitoring and formative/summative assessments included as part of an individual practitioner’s SLO

SLO Approval Checklist

An annotated, editable checklist addressing each component of a quality SLO for practitioners to use when developing/approving SLOs for use as a measure of student growth

Quality Assessment Development and Approval Professional Development Modules

Materials including PowerPoint presentations, discussion protocols and feedback scenarios designed to build practitioner skills and knowledge related to the design of quality assessments, as well as build local capacity for peer and administrator review and feedback of assessments before use/administration as part of the SLO process

Sample Teacher Created Assessments

An ongoing collection of quality teacher-created assessments that can be used as models for local practitioners when designing classroom-based measures of student growth

Data Analysis Protocol

Protocol document providing guidance for districts/schools/teams to use when examining data related to educator effectiveness as a means to reflect and engage in decision-making, planning and goal-setting processes

School Environment

School Climate Resources

Inventory of school environment related resources and technical support providers

Student Perception Survey – Early Elementary (K-2)

Interview protocol for use with k-2 students with eight discussion prompts; provides data to inform professional practice ratings, teacher self-reflection, and/or professional goal writing

Student Perception Survey – Elementary (3-5) Short and Long Versions

Surveys with twenty-nine or forty-six multiple choice items (no, sometimes, yes, or I don’t know) and one open-ended optional prompt for additional feedback; provides data to inform professional practice ratings, teacher self-reflection, and/or professional goal writing

Student Perception Survey – Secondary (6-12) Short and Long Versions

Surveys with thirty-seven or sixty-six multiple choice items (strongly disagree, disagree, agree, strongly agree, and not sure) and one open-ended optional prompt for additional feedback; provides data to inform professional practice ratings, teacher self-reflection, and/or professional goal writing

Parent and Family Focus Group Protocol

Protocol for leading focus group discussions related to parent and family perception of school social and academic climate

School Climate Data Analysis Protocol

Seven-step protocol for data analysis that includes predicting, understanding and observing data followed by identifying findings, developing key findings, connecting key findings to professional development, practices and policies, and implications

Quick Guide on Making School Climate Improvements

Provides district and school leaders, teachers, school staff, and other members of the school community with information about how to initiate, implement, and sustain school climate improvements.

CACE Partnership

University of Maine at Presque Isle
181 Main Street
Presque Isle, ME 04769


Get in touch

Mark Stanley, Executive Director
18 Preble Hall
University of Maine at Presque Isle

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